Home Manga Read One Piece Devil fruit – ‘Baku Baku no Mi’

Read One Piece Devil fruit – ‘Baku Baku no Mi’

The ‘Baku Baku no Mi’ is a Devil Fruit of the Paramecia variety that permits its possessor to consume anything. The ingested objects can be fused into and manifested from the user’s body, or combined to produce something else, according to its ability. Wapol consumed the item. It initially displayed its skills at the Drum Island Arc.

All About Baku Baku no Mi

  • Name:  Baku Baku No Mi
  • English Name and Definition: Munch-Munch Fruit Meaning: Sound of Crushing
  • Fruit Debut: NA
  • Fruit Meaning: Sound of Crushing
  • Active User: Wapol

Baku Baku no Mi: Its Origins and Outward Appearance


Wapol ingested the Baku Baku no Mi (Munch-Munch) Devil Fruit at some point in the past.


The Baku Baku no Mi is a purple plum-shaped fruit with a jagged, teeth-like pattern in the core. It has a green, curly stem and the typical Devil Fruit swirl patterns on its surface.

Positives and Negatives of the ‘Baku Baku no Mi’

Wapol says that the fruit’s main benefit is that it lets people eat a lot of food. It also strengthens their teeth and digestive system, allowing them to consume things that would be difficult or toxic for normal people to consume, such as weapons or live beings like humans. The user can then turn any part of their body into the food they ate. This lets them make offensive weapons or combine objects or creatures to make new ones.

Even though the eaten matter gives the user a wide range of uses in and out of battle, Wapol complains that it makes the user always hungry and lets them eat what seems like an endless amount of food without feeling rushed. “Chewy” foods, such as rubber, are rather difficult to swallow. Also, the user can only use consumables that were used in the last 24 hours. Consumables that were used more than 24 hours ago no longer work. Aside from this, the user suffers from the normal weaknesses associated with Devil Fruit.

The person who uses Baku Baku no Mi can’t drink Seastone because they would have to touch it, which would cancel out their Devil Fruit powers.

Utilization and Methods of the ‘Baku Baku no Mi’

Wapol has utilised the fruit’s granted abilities to gorge himself on various items. These objects range from daggers to former Wapol subjects’ mansions. As a result, Wapol can become a major nuisance to anyone in his vicinity, causing massive property damage to satisfy his hunger.

Wapol can also employ the fruit’s powers in combat, either by consuming his opponent in its whole form or by utilizing its morphing powers. In addition to surviving an avalanche, he saved two of his henchmen by swallowing snow and storing them in his throat.

After Luffy beat him, Wapol was able to think of new ways to use the power of the fruit in a positive way and use it for good. Using his Baku Baku Factory technique, he was able to produce some toys for sale. In exchange, he was able to build a new business that he would eventually govern.

Wapol has utilized the following strategies:

Yukigesho (Snow-Covered) (Snow-Covered)

Wapol hides in the cold landscape of Drum Island and jumps out with his mouth wide open, ready to eat anyone who comes too close. If this strike fails, he can also conceal Chess and Kuromarimo.

Baku Baku Shock (Chomp Chomp Food)

After consuming an object or substance, Wapol can incorporate it into his body, such as transforming his arm into a cannon. Initially, he used this to change into a house with cannons for arms. Wapol has used this method to make a large form with many weapons, a house with cannons for arms, a wooden form with a long branch for a nose and a tree growing out of its head, a lamp-headed form with a lit candle, and a park bench.

Wapol Mansion

Wapol absorbs a “butter sautéed cannon,” a “cannon extra rare,” a “cannonball and gunpowder salad,” and a “grilled home” into his body, transforming into a house with doors, chimneys, and windows. Additionally, his arms and chimney can be transformed into cannons.

Bero Cannon (Tongue Cannon)

Wapol transforms his tongue into a cannon and fires it at his opponent.


Q. Who has the Baku Baku no Mi?

A. Wapol possesses the Baku Baku no Mi.

Q. What does the Baku Baku no Mi do?

Baku no Mi permits the consumer to consume anything. The user can then mix the things they’ve eaten with their body and bring them out as something else.