Who is the strongest member of the Big Mom Pirates?


Title: “Exploring the Power Hierarchy of the Big Mom Pirates: Who is the Strongest Member?”


The Big Mom Pirates, a pirate crew led by Charlotte Linlin (also known as Big Mom), are one of the Four Emperors of the Sea, a group of the most powerful pirate captains in the world of One Piece. With a large and diverse crew, it can be difficult to determine who among them is the strongest. In this article, we will explore the power hierarchy of the Big Mom Pirates and determine who the strongest member is.

The Captain:

Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) As the captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Big Mom is undoubtedly the most powerful member of the crew. She is a member of the Charlotte Family, a family of powerful warriors and the rulers of Totto Land, a kingdom of sweets. Big Mom is a powerful pirate who possesses the ability to manipulate electromagnetic forces and possesses immense strength and durability. She is also capable of using a type of powerful soul-based technique known as “Soul Pocus.”

Her crewmates have great respect for her and fear her wrath. Her power has allowed her to conquer numerous territories and establish her own pirate kingdom, Totto Land.

The Sweet Commanders

The Sweet Commanders are the top tier members of the Big Mom Pirates and serve as Big Mom’s right-hand men and women. These are some of the strongest members of the crew and are tasked with carrying out Big Mom’s orders and maintaining order within the crew.

  • Charlotte Daifuku: He is a skilled fighter who wields a magic wand that can summon a giant genie-like creature. He is one of the most powerful members of the crew and is feared by many.
  • Charlotte Oven: He has the ability to manipulate heat and is known for his brutal fighting style. He is also one of the most sadistic members of the crew, earning him the nickname “Oven the Wild Beast.”
  • Charlotte Cracker: He is one of the strongest members of the crew and is known for his immense strength and formidable combat skills. He can also create powerful biscuits that can trap opponents in a realm of his own creation.
  • Charlotte Katakuri: He is one of the most skilled fighters in the crew and is known for his mastery of Kenbunshoku Haki, a type of Haki that allows him to sense and predict his opponent’s movements. He is also a skilled marksman and is capable of firing multiple arrows at once.

Other Notable Members

While the Sweet Commanders are undoubtedly the strongest members of the Big Mom Pirates, there are other members who are worth mentioning due to their impressive abilities and strength.

  • Tamago: He is a skilled fighter and strategist who has the ability to transform into a dragon. He is one of the longest serving members of the crew and is highly respected by his fellow crewmates.
  • Pekoms: He is a skilled fighter who possesses immense strength and durability. He also has the ability to transform into a lion, making him a formidable opponent in battle.


In conclusion, the Big Mom Pirates are a powerful crew with many skilled members. However, the strongest member of the crew is undoubtedly its captain, Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom). With her immense strength, durability, and ability to manipulate electromagnetic forces, she stands at the top of the power hierarchy of the Big Mom Pirates and is a formidable opponent to anyone who stands in her way.