Gol D. Roger – One Piece Character


Gol D. Roger, also known as Gold Roger, was a legendary pirate who, as commander of the Roger Pirates, held the title of Pirate King and was the owner of the legendary treasure known as One Piece. He was also Portgas D. Rouge’s lover and Portgas D. Ace’s biological father.

Roger was renowned for accomplishing the impossible; he mastered the Grand Line and gained a large fortune. Roger disbanded his crew before submitting himself for execution, knowing that he would shortly die of an incurable illness. The World Government planned Roger’s public execution to deter piracy, but his final remarks had the opposite effect. He claimed that whoever discovers his riches may claim it. As a result, Roger was solely responsible for the beginning of the Golden Age of Pirates.

Who is Gol D. Roger in One Piece?

In One Piece, Gol D. Roger is the pirate with the biggest bounty. He is renowned as the King Of The Pirates, and everyone is familiar with the tales of his exploits. He is revered by pirates as well since he was a major source of inspiration for them.

One of the most powerful pirates of all time, Roger was even thought to be unbeatable in battle. Prior to his passing, he held the greatest status among all pirates in the globe and a bounty of 5,564,800,000 berries.

Overview about Gol D. Roger

Name Gol D. Roger
First Appearance in Anime One Piece Opening ‘We Are’
Voice Actors Chikao Ohtsuka (Japanese Dub), Brian Zimmerman(English Dub)
DOB 31st December
Gender Male
Status Dead
Affiliations Roger Pirates
Occupation Captain
Origin East Blue
Devil Fruit None
Bounty 5,564,800,000


Life of Gol D. Roger

Few people could compete with Roger in a fight. Monkey D. Garp eventually gave up the fight to him after asserting that they were equals in terms of strength. The same is true of his battle with Whitebeard, who is reputed to possess the strongest Devil Fruit. Roger and Shiki were also known to engage in fair combat.

Roger’s greatest foe, Rocks D. Xebec, required the combined efforts of Roger and Garp to vanquish. Kozuki Oden and other formidable fighters acknowledged Roger’s extraordinary physical prowess. After being told that he had an incurable illness, it became clear that he also had enormous reserves of strength and vigour.

He was an expert in the art of swordsmanship, and a cutlass was his go-to weapon. Until the end of his pirate voyage, he is seen holding it. Additionally, he was seen carrying a flintlock pistol.

Does Gol D. Roger’s has Devil Fruit?

Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, didn’t have a Devil Fruit power of his own. As far as power is concerned, he got to the top with his raw strength and his mastery of Haki.

What are the Special abilities of Gol D. Roger?

Among Gol D. Roger’s unique skills were the following:


One of the few who could use all three kinds of haki was Roger. He was skilled in the use of the Hoashoku Haki, which enables practitioners to impose their will on others. He was one of the people who was renowned for using Hoashoku Haki to strengthen his attack.

He can also employ the Busoshoku Haki, which enables practitioners to surround themselves with imperceptible armour that gives them both attacking and defensive skills. He was able to use his sabre expertly by infusing it with haki. He could even emanate it from his blade, which gave him the ability to attack his adversaries without coming into direct touch with them.

The Kenbunshoku Haki, which enables individuals to use their sixth sense to see the presence, power, and emotions of others, was also something that Roger possessed. Even prerogative powers were granted to the user.

The voice of everything

Because of his capacity to “hear voices of all things,” Roger was able to locate the Poneglyphs. He couldn’t study the Poneglyphs as the Ohara experts could, thus he couldn’t read them.