Who is the strongest member of the Revolutionary Army in One Piece?


The Revolutionary Army is a significant faction in the One Piece world. Led by Monkey D. Dragon, the father of the protagonist Monkey D. Luffy, the Revolutionary Army aims to overthrow the World Government and create a world where everyone can live freely. One of the key aspects of the Revolutionary Army is its powerful and diverse members. In this blog, we will discuss who the strongest member of the Revolutionary Army is.

Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon is the leader of the Revolutionary Army and is considered one of the most powerful people in the One Piece world. He is known as the “World’s Worst Criminal” due to his actions against the World Government. Although his fighting abilities have not been shown in the manga or anime, it is safe to assume that he is incredibly strong, given his reputation and position.


Sabo is the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army and the second-in-command after Monkey D. Dragon. He possesses the Mera Mera no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to control fire. Sabo has demonstrated exceptional strength and fighting skills throughout the series, defeating powerful opponents like Jesus Burgess of the Blackbeard Pirates. He also fought against Admiral Fujitora, one of the three strongest Navy Admirals, during the Dressrosa Arc.


Karasu is one of the top commanders of the Revolutionary Army and a member of the Longarm Tribe. He possesses the ability to transform his arms into wings, allowing him to fly and attack from the air. Although he has not shown the full extent of his abilities, he is considered one of the strongest members of the Revolutionary Army due to his high rank and status.


Morley is one of the top commanders of the Revolutionary Army and a giant who possesses the ability to manipulate the earth. He has demonstrated his strength by creating massive holes in the ground and lifting entire buildings with ease. He was also able to dig an escape route for the Revolutionary Army during the Reverie Arc.


Lindbergh is one of the top commanders of the Revolutionary Army and a skilled inventor. He has created various weapons and gadgets for the Revolutionary Army, including a device that can disable Pacifista, the robotic weapons used by the Navy. Although he is not known for his physical strength, his intelligence and technological expertise make him a valuable member of the Revolutionary Army.


The Revolutionary Army is a powerful faction in the One Piece world, and its members are known for their exceptional strength and fighting abilities. While Monkey D. Dragon is the leader of the Revolutionary Army and considered one of the most powerful people in the world, Sabo, Karasu, Morley, and Lindbergh are also considered some of the strongest members of the faction. Each member brings unique abilities and skills to the table, making them a formidable force against the World Government.