Exploring Zou in One Piece: A Guide to the Elephant Island and the Mink Tribe


One Piece is one of the most popular anime and manga series in the world, and it’s full of unique and interesting concepts. One of those concepts is “Zou,” an island that appears in the series. In this blog, we will explore what Zou is and why it is significant to the world of One Piece.

What is Zou?

Zou is an island in the New World, the second half of the Grand Line, the setting for the second half of the One Piece story. The island is known for its unique appearance, as it is shaped like a giant elephant. The island is also home to the Mink Tribe, a race of humanoid animals who have the ability to transform into full animals.

History of Zou

Zou has a long and storied history in the world of One Piece. According to the story, Zou has been around for over 1,000 years and has been a refuge for the Mink Tribe for just as long. In the past, the island was attacked by pirates and other forces, but the Mink Tribe was able to defend themselves and keep the island safe.

Zou and the Straw Hat Pirates

Zou plays an important role in the story of the Straw Hat Pirates. After the crew’s separation during the Dressrosa Arc, they regroup on Zou. The island serves as a meeting place for the crew and a location for them to plan their next moves. During their time on Zou, the crew learns about the history of the Mink Tribe and the significance of the island to the world of One Piece.

Significance of Zou

Zou is significant to the world of One Piece for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is home to the Mink Tribe, a unique and important race in the world of One Piece. The Mink Tribe has a deep history and a number of powerful warriors among their ranks, making them a significant force in the story.

Additionally, Zou serves as a location for important meetings and discussions throughout the series. The island is a neutral ground where characters can come together and share information, making it a key location in the story.


In conclusion, Zou is an important location in the world of One Piece. The island’s unique appearance and the Mink Tribe’s history and abilities make it a memorable and significant location in the story. As the series continues, it’s likely that Zou will continue to play an important role in the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates and the overall story of One Piece.