One Piece 1077 Spoiler, Release Date


In the next chapter of One Piece 1077, Luffy and his crew will continue their battle against the CP0 agents, Lucci and Kaku. Despite Zoro’s skepticism, Luffy agrees to help the agents escape and asks for the keys to their restraints from Shaka. Lucci reveals their mission is to terminate Vegapunk and his satellites, including Stussy. Meanwhile, it is revealed that all CP5, CP7, and CP8 agents sent to the island have been imprisoned for two months, and Vegapunk himself is among them. The Marines are deploying a large fleet to Egghead, and Shanks is under attack by Eustass Kid. Shanks reconnects with his old friends, Dorry and Brogy, who agree to help him fight back against Kid and his crew.

One Piece 1076 Summary

Zoro voices his disbelief that Lucci and Kaku would let themselves be recaptured after they are released. Kaku insists that they will be caught again, which convinces Luffy to help them, despite Zoro’s suspicion that Kaku is lying. S-Hawk uses a powerful attack that reveals his Devil Fruit power as the Supa Supa no Mi. Kaku seizes the opportunity to justify letting the Straw Hats help them escape.

Shaka asks about Lucci and Kaku’s mission, and Lucci bluntly reveals their target as Vegapunk and his Satellites, much to Kaku’s annoyance. Shaka inquires about Stussy, and Lucci confirms that she is also on their hit list. Suddenly, they hear Nami’s screams, indicating that the other Seraphim are loose. Luffy agrees to free Lucci and Kaku and asks for the keys. Shaka trusts Luffy’s judgment and gives him the keys, emphasizing the importance of escaping safely. Luffy asks Lucci if he will go after his friends, which Lucci falls for and admits to wanting to kill Luffy first. S-Bear fires an Ursa Shock, but Luffy and Zoro defeat Lucci and Kaku in battle.

Meanwhile, it is revealed that CP5, CP7, and CP8 agents have been imprisoned on the island for the past two months, along with Vegapunk himself. The World Government leaked word of Vegapunk’s research into the Poneglyphs. The Marines are deploying 100 ships to Egghead.

On another island, Shanks reconnects with Dorry and Brogy, former captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates who return to Elbaf with him. Eustass Kid attacks, and Shanks enlists the help of Dorry and Brogy to fight back.

Kid realizes that every pirate ship they see belongs to someone loyal to Shanks, and Killer fears for Kid’s life in the upcoming confrontation. Kid, however, is not afraid, believing that he will only die if he loses.


The release of the latest One Piece chapter, chapter 1077, was delayed last week due to a break in the manga series. This break is a common practice for mangaka Eiichiro Oda to maintain his and his team’s health. However, fans can expect the new chapter to be released on Sunday, March 12, according to confirmation from Viz Media. The chapter will be released at various times internationally, including 7 AM Pacific Time, 10 AM Eastern Time, 3 PM British Time, 4 PM European Time, 8:30 PM India Time, and 11 PM Philippine Time.