The release of One Punch Man Chapter 167 has been updated

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It does not appear that the excitement around One Punch Man Chapter 167 will ever end. As each day goes on, a little nugget of information becomes available to the fans. A particular photograph began to circulate on Reddit and Twitter about a week ago. In addition, it is widely known that this will be the first page of the manga that will be published. So, does the picture really represent the opening page of the following chapter? Has the image been officially drawn by Murata? This article contains all the information you need to know about the leaks.

The battle with Garou will undoubtedly come to an end in the next episode of OPM. Saitama seems to be experiencing genuine emotion in response to Genos’s defeat. As a result, he might not be able to stretch things any farther. It is going to be really intriguing to watch how the artwork for this final punch turns out.

167th Chapter of One Punch Man: First Page Leaks?

Memes and parodies that poke fun at the ongoing plots of popular anime and manga can be found all over the internet. The entirety of the meme on the first page relates to this topic as well. The scenario for the next OPM adventure was hinted at in a piece of fan art that was shared online. After a single blow, Garou could be seen soaring through the clouds in the image. Since then, the outcome of the next adventure has been up for debate for the same reason. In the upcoming chapter of One Punch Man, number 167, it will be determined whether or not this theory is correct.

What Will Happen Next: A Discussion of All the Theories

Concerning the ongoing conflict, the manga’s audience is extremely conflicted. On the one hand, they want Garou and Saitama to continue to battle for a longer period of time. However, if Garou is able to offer Saitama a fight that is on equal footing, then the worth of Saitama’s powers may not be as great as they once were. The audience anticipates that the hero will end the entire conflict with a single blow of some kind. But it’s also possible that this isn’t the end of Garou.

Fans had high hopes that a single blow will be enough to bring Garou crashing to the ground for good. Tank Top Magic will then bring the villain back to life, but only for a short while. However, there is still the possibility that Blast opens certain portals, which resulted in the punches being transferred to different dimensions from the ones they are now battling in. It is a little bit difficult to predict what will happen next given the current state of affairs.

One Punch Man Chapter 167: Expected Publication Date

The artist Murata recently celebrated his birthday this week, and he indicated the upcoming upgrades to his work in the following chapter. Due to the fact that he is a little behind on the most recent chapter, it is possible that there will be a break of one week before the release of One Punch Man Chapter 167. The publication date of the chapter is projected to be July 14th, 2022.