Spy X Family Chapter 65: Release Date and time

Spy X Family Chapter 65: Release Date and time

As soon as the 65th chapter of SXF was released, everyone was eager to read it. Fans get either a special illustration or a short episode every week. This weekend, though, promises to offer a fresh chapter to the story. Chapter 65 of Spy X Family was preceded by Anya’s struggle to do well in school. She is accused with becoming one of these students after strolling down the Hall of Fame lane. All the information you need to know about the next chapter can be found here.

It’s only a matter of time before Anya hits her stride. She wants to have as many Stella Stars in the academy as possible so that she can be inducted into the Hall of Fame one day. Is it feasible to do so while she’s having so much fun at school??

What Happens Next in Spy X Family Chapter 65?

Throughout the rest of the book, Anya will be viewed in a new way. The girl has all she needs to become a hardworking, driven student. She wants the Stella stars more than she wants the Tonitrus Bolts. Then again, this is Anya, and there’s only so much she can hold on to. For the small child, this is going to be another mess. The school’s Spy X Family Chapter 65 will reopen.

Becky will hear all about what occurred yesterday from Anya. In the latest outing, a new test is expected to surface. This is the moment when Anya realises that she needs to improve her own life and career. But everywhere she goes, mayhem is destined to follow.

Chapter 64’s recap of the previous chapter

“Mission 64” was the name of Spy X Family Chapter 64. Anya is leaving the bus station after being dropped off by a friend. However, due to inclement weather, no buses would run for at least an hour or two. Up until that point, Anya had nothing to do but sit around and wait. When she ran into the housemaster, he immediately recognised her. Anya was asked if she liked school by the old guy.

Anya reluctantly agreed, fearing that she had made a poor first impression. Even though she had received so many Tonitrus Stars, the man pointed out that it was odd that she still enjoyed school. Anya, on the other hand, said that she found the stars to be aesthetically pleasing on her. In the Hall of Fame, the housemaster led her to the portraits of every Stella Star Holder. Anya was inspired to follow in their footsteps.

Soon after she arrived at her house, she informed her dad that she wanted him to assist her in her schoolwork. Loid, on the other hand, feared that Anya had picked up another Tonitrus. The final panel depicted Yor preventing the man from escaping the residence.

The release date of Spy X Family Chapter 65

Yor and her father, despite Anya’s portrayal of the housemaster in the previous film, were unable to do the same. When Spy X Family Chapter 65 is released, further information will be revealed. There are only three days left until the chapter is out. The chapter will be released in its entirety on July 26th, 2022.