One Punch Man Chapter 168: Release Date, Raw Scans, Spoilers, Where to read


What’s up? Updates on One Punch Man Chapter 168 are here, and we’ll tell you everything from the release date to spoilers and raw scans to how exactly you can get your hands on it.

To date, One Punch Man has become a hugely popular hard-core superhero action manga, based on the original webcomic by One (who previously wrote Mob Psycho 100). Yusuke Murata of EyeShield 21 draws the manga adaption. This game has some of the most visually stunning fight scenes, thanks to the attention to both the visuals and the scripting that went into them.

The most recent chapter shows Saitama in his rawest and most serious state ever. The moment the Garou and Saitama’s hands come together, Bang opens a dimensional breach, stopping the enormous energy from travelling to another location and saving the Earth. Bang is able to accomplish this owing to his comrades in other dimensions, but they wind up on one of Jupiter’s moons as a result of the attack’s backlash.
To Saitama’s dismay, Garou inquires as to if they need to discover a route back to Earth. After seeing his disciple’s heart and centre torn from his body by the monster in front of him, he casually responds, “that can come after I beat the shit out of you”. The two begin fighting once more, and they come dangerously close to destroying the moon’s crust in the process.

Date and time for the release of One Punch Chapter 168.

Shueisha’s Tonori no Young Magazine publishes the One Punch Man manga by ONE and Yusuke Murata every Wednesday. A unique aspect of the OPM manga is the author’s freedom to post each chapter whenever he wants. New chapters are typically released every other Wednesday, on average. One Punch Man Chapter 168 will be released at 12:00 AM on either Saturday, July 20th, 2022, or Saturday, July 3rd, August 2022, depending on when the previous chapter, ch 167, was released on the 6th of July (JST). The chapter’s name has not yet been revealed.
Please note that the English translations may take a while to be out due to manga-invisible stages like redrawing and typesetting and proofing as well as translating the text itself.
So you may have to wait at least 3-5 days before you can read the chapter in the language of your choice.

The date of the event

Chapter 168 of One Punch Man will be accessible online for readers all over the world on this specific date.

On Wednesday, 9 a.m. in Pacific Time
On Wednesday at 11 a.m., Central Time.
12:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday
On Wednesday at 5 p.m., British time.

This week, is One Punch On taking a break?

Chapter 168 will be issued on schedule because the manga is not taking a break this month. The author has yet to make any announcements about a delay.

Leaks, RAW Scans, and Spoilers for OPM Chapter 168

Chapter 168’s raw scans and spoilers have not yet been released. 3-4 days prior to the official release date, raw scans can be available on 4chan and Reddit, as well as other internet forums. As a result, we anticipate that this week’s will be available on or around July 17th, 2022.

We’ll keep an eye out for them and let you know when they’re out. Check out the official subreddit r/OnePunchMan for the most recent updates and chapter discussions.

recap of the previous chapter

The closest moon to Jupiter, Io, is the landing site for Garou and Saitama. While Garou adjusts to the novelty of landing on a moon, Saitama takes advantage of the unusual circumstances, feeling he can now go all out. However, in the event that his suit is torn apart, he decides to keep Genos’ core instead of trying to stow it within. It is Saitama who challenges Garou, saying, “that can come after I beat the snot out of you,” when the monster tries to tell him that they must find some way to return to Earth. After being taken aback by Garou’s earnestness, Saitama is able to open a tunnel beneath him.

In a flash, Saitama kicks Garou’s portal out of his hands and lands a punch that sends him flying. Saitama grabs the side of the fence and flips it down, exposing Garou for another blow and knocking him back out onto the surface, where he regains consciousness. Saitama mocks Garou’s “tricks” and asks him to use his fists in response. The cosmic monster says that “his fists” are a collection of skills from several schools.

Garou rushes through all the openings he’s made to encircle Saitama and unleash a barrage of his own techniques on the boy. Using Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist, Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Exploding Heart Release Fist, and Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, he pummels the hero viciously. As a final blow, Garou uses Nuclear Fission Gravity Knuckle to obliterate Io.

Where can I find One Punch Man chapter 168?

The latest chapter is available in two ways. Reading the fan translations, which will be available within a few days of the game’s Japanese release, is the initial method of learning about the game.

The second option is to check out Viz’s official translations on their site. Although they are three chapters behind schedule, the official Viz translations of Chapter 159 will not be available for another two to four weeks.
On that page, you may also buy the prior volumes and read them both online and offline.

There are several questions about the plot of One Punch Man.

Shueisha’s Tonari no Young Jump has published ONE’s manga One Punch Man since 2012, with art by Yusuke Murata. ONE wrote the webcomic that inspired the manga. The series is being published in English by Viz Media.
Studio Madhouse adapted the manga into a 12-episode anime series in 2015. In 2019, J.C. Staff released a follow-up season with an identical 12-episode runtime. Sony is working on a live-action adaptation.

The tale revolves around Saitama, a hero who began his career as a joke. It took him three years of “special” training before he was able to defeat his opponents with a single punch. Saitama is now ready to begin his official duties as a professional hero with the Hero Association, working alongside his trusty cyborg disciple Genos.